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Common complications of skin around the ostoma – characteristics, causes and treatment

What is Peristomal skin?

The skin around the ostoma is close to the orifice, and the orifical disk adheres to it. In adults, the area of the skin around the orifice is about 10X10cm2.

Patients with ileostomy have the most skin complications, followed by urinary tract ostomy and colonectomy. Most skin complications around the orifice (77%) are related to the effic efflux and skin contact.

Up to 80% of austrophic patients will not seek help because of skin problems around the orifice, because they do not realize that this is a problem. Some people think that skin problems are a “normal” phenomenon for mouthbuilders. But this is not the case. The skin around the orifice should look and feel the same as the skin in other parts of the abdomen.

Proper skin care is the most important thing that an maker needs to do to prevent complications. Next, we will introduce some common complications.

Common complications of skin around the ostoma

Types of skin complications around the orifice

The skin complications can be confirmed and divided into 5 types. These types are available MINDS display.

M – Mechanical Mechanical

I – Infection Infection

N – Toxic chemicals and irritants (can be the patient’s own excrement)

D – Skin diseases

S – Skin Allergy

Most skin complications around the orifice can be avoided through the correct use of the instrument. If you suspect that you have skin complications around the orifice, please contact your doctor immediately and get the instruction of how to use ostomy bag correctly.